An Intro, A Dedication

I’ve long thought about cementing my thoughts somewhere so that I could reflect on them years later in my old age and wisdom. Somehow or another, I always found ways to avoid doing just that. In addition to blaming an unpredictable and busy schedule, I blamed it on the fact that I never knew the vessel to share my story. I thought to myself: I can’t write songs because I am not a musician. I can’t keep a journal because I harbor no secrets. I can’t write a book because I’m not famous, who would read it? So I figured I’d write a blog, because I am a millenial.

Regardless of form, the catharsis that comes from writing provides a feeling like none other. I feel the burden being lifted off my shoulders now that I will finally be telling MY STORY. I write now with the hope that this blog will be the first of many things to come. I plan on using this platform to share thoughts on my life and the law, with those two concepts often intersecting as both my life and fate will dictate.

And on that note, a dedication. Every great work, be it of prose, of art, of architecture, or in this case, of blog, deserves such a dedication. (Not to be presumptuous, but let’s be honest, I’ve never been one to aim low.)

I dedicate this site to all those who have inspired me and who have helped me along my journey. To my family and friends; without you, I would have no causes for which to fight. To my mom, Robin, who always manages to find a way, to my dad, Bob, who has always been there to light my path, to my brother, Matt, who has been my greatest supporter, to the people of LSU Campus Life, who taught me that college is so much more than what happens in the classroom, to the Texas chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, who took me in like a brother at a time when I needed it most, to Ed Song, who challenged me to think critically about my life, to Judge Guy Holdridge, who taught me that law is best discussed with friends and a frosted bottle of beer, to Johnny DeGravelles, who showed me how much good attorneys can do when they are fortunate enough to fight for something they are passionate about and truly believe in, to Don Cazayoux, to Rene Salomon, to Randy Canche, whose endless passion and pursuit of perfection is a never-ending source of inspiration, to Jason Abate from Country Day, to Jim Ferguson of McCallum High School, to the memory of Rana Siam, who gave me my first taste of the law as my high school mock trial coach, and to Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, whose fight for justice helped inspire me to become an attorney. Many thanks to you all – I hope I can carry the torch for you and provide someone with the inspiration you so graciously bestowed upon me. Perhaps most importantly, to those who seek to follow in the footsteps of our generation, it is my most sincere hope that we will lay the groundwork for you to achieve great things.

An Intro, A Dedication

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