Night Runner Running Lights

Night Runners
Night Runners

As an active runner, I’m always on the lookout for better gear, including lights and other reflective gear for night runs to make sure I don’t trip on something and that I’m visible to cars and bikers.

With warmer temperatures here (or coming to you soon), if you’ll be hitting the road for some night runs, check out this new product that will light your path and help you be more visible on the road. It’s called Night Runner shoe lights, and they promise 270 degrees of light emanating from a rechargeable LED light with 75-lumen LED beams and up to 30 meters of visibility. The light clips to your shoelaces with no straps or bands and sits atop the shoe in order to have a better angle on lighting the path. We’ll see if this is a good product over time, but it might be worth checking out.

Their team has launched a Kickstarter Campaign that you can support and get an early release of the product. Check it out HERE.

Night Runner Running Lights