LSBA YLD Elections; Supporting Scott Sternberg

Dear fellow young attorneys,

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to vote in the LSBA Young Lawyer’s Division elections, taking place right now, and ending this coming Monday. This election will determine the leadership and direction of the YLD, a group which plays a key role in matters dealing with young attorneys in Louisiana.

I’d like to put my support behind my friend Scott Sternberg, a fellow LSU and LSU Law alum. Many of you know Scott and for those who don’t, I can assure you that, if elected, he will do a fantastic job representing the YLD Division.

Scott Sternberg is one of the first people I met from the LSU Law Center, having met at a cocktail event at Chancellor Weiss’s house months before classes started my first year of law school. Scott and I kept in touch throughout law school and, over the years, he has been a constant source of career advice and practice advice. He has been my sounding board and a good friend. Scott encouraged me to get involved with YLC, a cause which I, too, am now proud to champion and volunteer with across this great city. Scott possesses many of the characteristics which are needed in any elected position; he is an inviting and open leader who is both thoughtful and responsive. I know him to be a dedicated attorney and husband, an exceptional leader in our community, and a proud father to his son, George.

Scott with his son, George, at a YLC Wednesday at the Square Concert, June 11, 2014
Scott with his son, George, at a YLC Wednesday at the Square Concert, June 11, 2014

I know Scott will represent us well and I ask that you support him in this election. I encourage you to reach out to him with any questions or concerns, to vote in the LSBA elections, and to share this article with fellow young attorneys. Following below is the text of an email Scott wrote and asked me to share with others:

Dear Fellow Young Lawyer:

I’m Scott Sternberg, an attorney at Baldwin Haspel here in New Orleans, and I’m running for the District 1 (Orleans) seat on the Louisiana State Bar Association Young Lawyer’s Division Council. The election begins November 17 — voting is now open  — and ends December 15. You should receive an e-ballot from with instructions on how to vote online. If you do not receive an E-ballot, you can visit and click “Vote Online Now” to vote.

I would appreciate your consideration as you vote for the District 1 seat on the Young Lawyer’s Division Council. I have been active in the New Orleans community since graduating from LSU Law in 2010. I have served on the Federal Bar Association’s Young Lawyer’s Division Board of Directors since 2012 and volunteered with the Morning at the Federal Courthouse and the Lunch with the Court Programs. I graduated from the Leadership LSBA Program in 2013 and have served on two committees for the LSBA.  Outside of the LSBA, I have shown a commitment to our New Orleans community.  I serve on the Board of the Young Leadership Council, currently finishing a one-year term as the General Counsel.  I  regularly participate in volunteer and pro bono activities. I also teach at Loyola New Orleans’ School of Mass Communication.

If you elect me as your representative on the Young Lawyers’ Division Council, I promise to be a responsive, attentive representative for your positions. If you have encountered me before, you know that I am the kind of person who will go out of his way to make sure the LSBA’s YLD is attentive to your wants and needs as a young lawyer in New Orleans. I will work with the Council, including our other District 1 Representative (currently Dylan Thriffiley of the Kean Miller firm) to ensure that our programs run efficiently and our voices are heard.

If you have any questions, please let me know at I hope you will consider voting for me. In addition, I hope you will consider voting for my friends and fellow young attorneys Larry Centola, Micah Fincher, Ryan McCabe and Degan Skylar Rosenbloom for seats in the House of Delegates. The election for all offices ends December 15.

Feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone in the Young Lawyers Division, which comprises anyone under 39 years of age or has less than 5 years practicing law.


Scott Sternberg

LSBA YLD Elections; Supporting Scott Sternberg