Terms of Use

Terms of Use Policies

1. Applicability

The below policies apply to articles or posts written on this website, as well as accounts maintained by Michael Finkelstein, NOLA Contendere, or the firm of Wolfe, Begoun & Pick, LLC (collectively, “the firm”) or its lawyers on Facebook, Twitter, Avvo, LinkedIn, YouTube, Quora, other social media website, business website, or other internet site, and applies to all communications written, recorded, filmed, or otherwise produced by the firm, its attorneys, and its staff (sites collectively referenced herein as “this website”).

2. Informational Purposes Only

This website contains information about legal issues and developments in the law. Any posts are made for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and must not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. The firm does not warrant that the content provided on this site is complete, up to date, or accurate. You should not rely on any information provided on this website; contact a lawyer licensed in your jurisdiction for advice on specific legal issues or problems.

3. No Attorney-Client Relationship May Be Formed

Your use of this website or information derived from this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm. You cannot become a client of the firm unless and until you and the firm mutually agree in writing that you will become a client of the law firm, and you and the firm sign a written retainer agreement setting forth the duties and obligations of the firm, its fee arrangement, and other relevant matters.

4. Do Not Supply Us With Confidential Information

Please do not send, email, or otherwise supply the firm or its attorneys with confidential information unless and until you have signed a retainer agreement with the firm, and are thus a client of the firm. Your use of this website does not make you a client of the firm or a prospective client of the Firm.

5. No Guarantee of Results

The firm cannot and does not guarantee any results regarding your case. Some of the case summaries, reports of past results, and individual attorney biographies on this website may describe past matters handled for clients of the firm. These descriptions are meant only to provide information to the public about the activities and experience of our lawyers and are not intended as a guarantee that the same or similar results will materialize. You must not assume that the same or similar result can be obtained in a legal matter of interest to you. The outcome of a particular matter can depend on a variety of factors, the most important of which include the specific factual and legal circumstances, the jurisdiction of the court, the development or modification of the law, the ability of opposing counsel, and, often, unexpected developments beyond the control of any client or lawyer.

6. No Claims of Expertise

This website lists practice areas in which the attorneys at the firm focus their practice. In so doing, the firm and its attorneys make no claims of “expertise,” “specialization,” or “board certification.”

7. IRS Circular 230 Notice

In accordance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements, any information on this website that could be construed as United States tax advice is not written or intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed on this website.

8. Links to Third Party Websites

This website may, on occasion, provide links or references to various third-party websites, journals, periodicals, newspapers, or other materials. In posting a link, the firm does not imply or warrant that it is legally authorized to reproduce any symbol, logo, trademark, or other intellectual property contained on that site. Any linked external websites are not under the control of the firm, and the firm assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of such websites.

9. Authorized Practice of Law

Each attorney’s biography indicates the jurisdictions in which that attorney is licensed to practice. The ability of any firm lawyer to engage in any activities for a client outside of that lawyer’s state(s) of licensure is subject to state statutes, professional standards, and court rules. The firm does not seek, and this website is not intended to solicit, legal engagements in jurisdictions outside of our lawyers’ states of licensure when such engagements would constitute the unauthorized practice of law in any jurisdiction.

10. Compliance Notice

This website was built to comply with the Louisiana State Bar Association Rules for Professional Conduct. Certain jurisdictions consider this website to be advertising and require an office or attorney be responsible for the posts contained herein. To that effect, the firm designates Michael Finkelstein of the firm’s New Orleans office as the attorney responsible for this website. This website is not built to seek representation of clients in jurisdictions in which the firm’s attorneys are not licensed to practice law and the firm does not seek to represent clients in jurisdictions in which the content of this website do not comply with the ethical requirements governing the content of law firm websites.


Intellectual Property Notice: The content of this site and any other site or account maintained by the firm may be protected under various intellectual property laws, including copyright and trademark. Unless otherwise stated, these materials are and remain the intellectual property of the firm, and all rights are reserved. No materials on this site may be incorporated, reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast, or otherwise exploited in any manner, without the express prior written permission of the firm.

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